Happy Labor Day!
This week, we begin our 4th week of school. Time is flying quickly. The grading term for the first progress report will be coming to an end September 15th, so encourage your child to work extra hard these next two weeks.
Parents should be receiving a weekly email from Edgenuity, telling you about your child's progress in their classes. Your child should be increasing their progress by at least 10% each week in each class. Come to the school if you would like more information. We are happy to help.
Have you downloaded the LAUSD app on your cellular phone? Download it today and have access to your child's grade reports, daily attendance, and other information. Our Community Representative, Ms. Gomez, is here to help Monday-Friday, 8:30am-11:30am. She speaks Spanish, too.
Our new cellular phone policy begins tomorrow. We will be making our school a phone-free space to improve teaching and learning. A letter was sent home with your child on Friday with details. If you did not receive the letter, ask your child for it or come to Patton for more information.
Lastly, COVID-19 exposure is on the rise. Patton High School continues to follow Los Angeles County protocols to maintain a safe learning environment for students and staff. Masks, hand sanitizer, and rapid COVID tests are available at the school upon request. Monitor your child's health and contact the school if you have any concerns. (310) 257-4740.
Thank you and enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend.
Sincerely, Mr. Paek