Weekly Announcements for October 16, 2023

Greetings Patton Families,

Last Saturday was the first day of our Saturday School Academy.  We hope your student was able to attend.  We encourage all Patton students to take advantage of our Extended Learning Hours on Saturdays and before and after school.  Credit recovery means spending extra time and working extra hours in addition to the normal school day.  Students that attend are offered extra credit that will help them complete courses faster.  Contact the school with any questions.  The specific days and hours are posted on the Patton website calendar.

This Tuesday, Patton students will be going to Harbor Occupational Center in San Pedro.  Students will be given a tour of the school and learn about opportunities to learn a trade or skill.  Permission slips must be turned into the Patton Office.

Thursday has been selected for the California Shake Out Exercise.  Each year, California schools and businesses practice safety procedures for a major earthquake.  We encourage all families to have a safety plan and practice that plan regularly.

Thursday is also our monthly School Site Council and School Safety meeting at 2:15 pm in room 1.  Council members are expected to attend.

Lastly, on Saturday, October 21st, LAUSD is hosting a College & Career Fair at Cal State Dominguez Hills from 9am-1pm.  Patton has reserved a bus for our students and families to ride to the Fair and back.  The bus will leave Patton at 8:15 am and return at 12:30 pm.  Please contact the Patton Office with the number of seats you would like to reserve on the bus.  All students attending are to register online using the QR code on the flyer below.