Weekly Announcements for November 27, 2023

Welcome Back!

We welcome back our Patton students from the week off.  We hope it was fun and restful for all.

Well, we are in the final weeks of the fall semester.  Do you know how many courses your child has completed this semester?  Do you know how many credits they currently have?  Ask your child to show you their Student Credit Record in their Google Drive.  It has all that information.  If your child cannot show you, contact us at Patton, and we can email or text a copy to you.

When students attend, we all win!  Do you know your child's attendance rate?  Do you know how many days your child has been absent this semester?  Attendance matters.  Students can only succeed if they are at school everyday.  The data doesn't lie.  If your child has been absent for more than 6 days this semester, they are "Chronically Absent."  Contact us at Patton for helpful ideas.

Extended Learning Hours continue this week.  Students that are serious about completing courses by the end of the semester should attend our Extended Learning Hours: before school, after school, and Saturdays.  See the website calendar for days and times.

Thursday, Patton students will be given a copy of the Patton Parent & Family Engagement Policy and School-Parent Compact.  Please review the documents with your student.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding their contents, please reach out to Mr. Paek or any of our Patton staff.

Winter Academy is coming!  Registration for Winter Academy has been great.  If you would like your child to attend Winter Academy on Monday-Wednesday, December 18-20, call Patton at (310) 257-4740 for more information and to register your child.

Follow us on Instragram (@pattonhighschoolpanthers) and visit our website regularly for updates and information.  We appreciate your involvement in your child's education.