Weekly Announcements for January 22, 2024

Greetings Patton High School Families. 

These are your weekly announcements.  Our students will participate in  the Red Sand Project led by our counselors.  We encourage parents to ask their student about the project as they learn about it during the week. 

Congratulations to our 8 students that applied and were selected to go to Washington D.C.  We are very happy to be able to offer this trip through the L.A.U.S.D. Cultural Arts Passport funds. 

Now, we are accepting permission slips for our next field trip to the San Diego Zoo on Saturday, February 3rd.  Permission slips must be submitted to Ms. Neal.  Availability is first come, first served.  There are only 15 spots available. 

Looking ahead, our next parent workshop is Tuesday, January 30th, at 6 p.m.  The subject is, How to support learning at home. 

Lastly, remember that attendance matters.  We will have weekly raffles for students with perfect attendance every Monday - Friday. 

Thank you and enjoy the rest of your evening.