Weekly Announcements for January 29, 2024

Greetings Patton Families,

Here are your weekly announcements.  On Tuesday, Marine Sargeant Hernandez will meet with our students to introduce the benefits of enlisting in the Marine Corps.  And then on Tuesday evening, parents and guardians are invited to our monthly parent workshop at 6:00 p.m.  This month's topic is how parents can support learning at home and cyber safety.  On Saturday, February 3rd, we will be taking a field trip to the San Diego Zoo. Permission slips are due to Ms. Neal now.  Space is limited.

Attendance matters! Do you know your student's attendance percentage rate this year?  Do you know how many classes your student needs to finish before June?  Contact the Patton Office or check your Parent Portal on the LAUSD app for this information.  Your student cannot be successful if they are missing days of school.  February starts a challenge to improve attendance.  Students meeting this month's attendance goal will receive an In N Out hamburger during lunch on February 29th.  Attendance matters!

Thank you for your participation and supporting your student's success.

Good night.