Weekly Announcements for April 8, 2024

Greetings Patton Families,

We hope everyone is well and excited for the coming spring weather.  Hopefully we've seen the last of the heavy rain showers, and sunny, warm days are ahead as we get closer to summer.  But with the spring, comes the urgency of getting classes done before June.

Tuesday, we are starting before school Extended Learning Hours with Mr. Rodriguez.  He will be available from 7:20 am to 8:20 am every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for the next six weeks.  If your child has not signed up yet, they can sign up with Mr. Rodriguez anytime.

Wednesday, select students will be taking the S.A.T. in School.  Mr. Hopkins has informed your student if they will be taking the test.  Check with them and make sure they come to school early to get started on time.  There will be no make-ups and late students will not be allowed to take it after the testing session has begun.

Thursday, Patton families are invited to Parent Conferences from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  We need all parents to come and be informed of their student's progress.  You will want to know about your child's progress and what they will need to do before June.  We will start the evening with a small awards ceremony to celebrate the mid-term achievements of our students.  Dinner will be served after the ceremony and througout the parent conferences.

Friday, students will be dismissed early at 1:10 pm.  Please make arrangements if your student will be picked up at the end of the day.

Saturday, we begin six weeks of Saturday School Academy.  Patton will be open for six Saturdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.  Students get more done when they can focus away from the distractions at home.  Students can come to get support and earn extra credit for their classes.  With only 9 weeks left in the school year, your student surely can benefit from more focused time working on their classes.

We are always here to answer your questions and support you and your student.  Contact us and let us help you.

Have a great week!