Weekly Announcments for December 2, 2024

Greeting Patton Families,

Happy December!  We hope everyone had an enjoyable week away from school.  We know that the holiday season can be one full of joy, but also full of sadness for some.  We encourage anyone struggling during this holiday season to reach out to Ms. Mendoza, our PSW Counselor.  She's a great listener and is experienced and licensed to provide support.  She would love to hear from you.

As we have been sharing in all our classrooms, the end of the fall semester is coming.  The last day of the fall semester is December 13th.  Students are encouraged to put in extra time these next two weeks to get their classes completed for the fall report cards.  Students should talk with their teachers to discuss the best strategy to get them done.

Our last field trip of the semester is this Friday, December 6th.  Mrs. Neal will be leading our students to The Grove in Hollywood to watch Disney's Moana 2 at the AMC Theater.  Permission slips are due to Mrs. Neal by Wednesday.  The bus will leave at 5 pm and return at 11 pm. 

Lastly, we are still enrolling students for our Winter Academy.  Dates are Monday - Wednesday, December 16-18.  Patton's Winter Academy will be held at Narbonne High School.  Contact Patton's Office or Mr. Paek for more details.

Have a great week!