Greetings Patton Families,
Thank you to all the families that joined us for our Color Me Mine Family Art Night last Thursday. We had 28 participants join us. It was a fun and relaxing time of painting and laughter. We can't wait to post the pictures of the final results of the ceramics once we receive them in a couple weeks.
Is your student interested in going to an outdoor education camp? Patton has been invited to send students to the Point Fermin Outdoor Education Center in San Pedro. Patton staff and students will board a school bus after school on Friday, April 4th, and sleep at the camp through the weekend, returning to Patton on Sunday, April 6th, at 1:15pm. Each student will receive a brand new sleeping bag and reusable water bottle to keep. While at the camp, students will have the opportunity to board a large sailboat and sail outside the Los Angeles Harbor while learning about our oceans and sea life.
To learn more, a zoom meeting will be held on Thursday, March 13th, at 5:00 pm with the camp staff in English and Spanish. Your student can help you join the zoom from a cell phone or their computer.
Zoom ID: 859 1883 4311
We hope you'll consider sending your student. Contact the Patton office or Mrs. Neal for more information.
Thank you and have a great week!